Cardio X two times in one day, along with about 10 minutes of Zumba and a 10 minute Ab Blaster. Why, you ask, am I punishing myself so severely? Because I feel like all I have done today is eat. I feel extra fat today. Still at 142, but feel like I have done nothing but eat. So, I figured I deserved some self-flagellation. Now, I think I'm going to get in the shower and then crash. Tomorrow is Monday, so hopefully I will be able to get back to work on the app, get in touch with the vendors and publication reps I need to talk to, and can get back in the flow.
I really want to try kayaking. I think it will be good exercise and maybe even fun. I need someone to go kayaking with, though.
I was flipping through the tv today, which is something I NEVER do, as I despise tv, but I landed on channel CNBC. P90X infomercials were on back to back. I realized that I had a dvd called Plyometrics, which I have never seen. So I went to investigate. The reason I hadn't seen it yet was because I am doing the Lean schedule and Plyo is part of the Classic schedule. I guess I do have a little change to look forward to if I make it through this 90 days and decide to do a second round. Those infomercials were good. The people on them went through such drastic changes. I can only hope that my changes are a quarter of those I see on tv. So, I guess tomorrow is Week 6 Day 3, which is 45 days, which is HALF WAY through the program!!!!! Hell, yeah! I just wish I felt it more. So, anyway, I guess tomorrow, I will Bring It again, and maybe eat a little less, and feel a little better about myself. Today, I feel like a fatty.
So, this fatty is off to the showers. 'Night, all!
You are not a fatty! (In my best Arnold Schwartenager voice). Your lookin' good.