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Friday, December 12, 2008

my awesome life

I have such an awesome life. I really do... I mean, think about it. I have the best husband in the world. My birthday is next Saturday, and not only does my husband think of the best gifts, he somehow rearranges the universe to meet my schedule. I am going to see AC/DC next Saturday night!!!!!! I love my husband.
And if that weren't enough to make my life just perfect, let me tell ya about the rest of it. My daughter has a 4.0, all A's and is  absolutely excelling at school. I start working on my Master's in January toward an EdL degree (ed leadership towards being an administrator). And on top of all this, I have lost 37 pounds!!!!!!! Woo freakin' hoo. And then, to top it all off, Bret Michaels is single again. :) lol... just kidding.. not he really is single, I'm just kidding about being interested. I love you, charles!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

kids, the idiot, whatever

Ok, so the idiot lands at the PBI airport at 1:30 today and sits there... and sits there... and sits there...Never once does he bother to get up and check the flights screen to see if the flight he and the kids are leaving on is on time or whatever... So, he calls to tell me he's there, and although his and the kid's scheduled flight out isn't until 640, I can bring the kids to the airport anytime... Have you ever sat in an airport with 3 ancy kids for 4 or 5 hours? Whatever... He's a glutton for punishment, who am I to argue? So, around 3 I take the kids to him at the airport. The plan was that he would get them dinner there and then fly to atlanta, have a snack and land in Louisville by midnight. So, I pull up to the Delta terminal and he's not even out there... Big surprise. Next big surprise? The guy at the desk tells me that they might not be going anywhere. The flight they are supposed to leave on is seriously delayed and won't even be getting into Atlanta until almost 11. The connecting flight leave atlanta at 9 something. So... I could have kept the kids at home until he worked it all out, but nooooooo.... Because he's too stupid to bother checking the flights. So, 15 minutes later he comes walking up and when I ask if he is aware of the status of his flight, he looks at me like I am speaking a foreign language... Anyway... Whatever.. He and the kids are at the airport and he can deal with it.
Now, my wonderful, intelligent, sweet, kind, generous, warm, caring, sexy, loving, smart, husband and I are flying out for Jersey at the buttcrack of dawn tomorrow. While my 15 year old will be having the house basically to himself for the weekend... Hmmm... Wonder how smart that makes us???

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ok, so, I definitely did something right this time. My husband is awesome. Through his numerous connections he was able to score VIP seats for the most righteous concert the other night: Sebastian Bach from Skid Row, Dokken, and the unattainable love of my imaginary life: Bret Michaels and POISON!!!
Not only did we get to see a totally narley performance, but I also got to introduce my daughter to REAL rock-n-roll. Sierra's very first concert was great. She enjoyed it because she started watching Rock of Love the first season and has been listening to Poison since. Although, it was kind of strange watching her jump up and down and scream with her little girlfriend that was there, singing along to every song like I did at her age... My kid has taste. What can I say? 
So, not only that... but....
My fantabulous husband is also taking me to one of the most prestigous resorts in the Keys: The Cheeca Lodge (
Flying to Jersey for the weekend coming up... Taking vacation... Seeing my fave bands... Going to the Keys... Yeah, I would say I got it made! 
Oh, and one last thing. Just a warning to all those whoe drive: Dakota got his permit 2 weeks ago.... 

Friday, July 4, 2008


So, the million diets I have tried have not worked... And the few thousand dollars I spent on a personal trainer didn't do much either. So, this past week, I decided to try something new. I saw a doctor... and I am on a drug now that makes my skin crawl, hair stand on end and makes me a bigger bitch than usual. Let's hope it works!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


My cousins enlightened me last night. I learned to play poker. It was very cool. now, when I return home, I need to find people to play with... any takers?

Thursday, June 19, 2008


So, here I am.... in Deliveranceville, USA. Good ole Kentucky... We left home sweet Florida at 2:05 this past Thursday and got to Kennesaw, GA by 11:15 p.m. We were checked into our hotel and passed out by 11:30. At 6:02 a.m. Friday morning Canyon's bladder woke me up and we were back on the road by 6:30. Somehow, we made it to Etown by 11:20 a.m. Friday. Total drive time: less than 13 hours. Wow. And why? because I was stupid and married a hillbilly, redneck, moronic, I could go on... So, the kids are with the ex for a little less than 2 weeks. In the meantime, I am fighting the type A part of me. I have seen 2 movies in the theatre, driven aimlesslly, and slept hours on end since I have been here. I can't wait until 3 a.m. Monday morning when I can head home.
In the meantime, I am missing my oldest son, my dog and my husband. Not in that order... But I guess it's nice to see the family.
I did get to visit with my Japanese grandmother and got some things done for her around her place. I got to see some cousins I haven't seen in about 20 years, and I met my neice and saw my nephew. I hung out with my sister and visited my mother. Her husband came home from the hospital last night so that's good for her. And of course, my mamaw cooked for me and put up with me and let me spend the week driving the lexus. I am sooooo spoiled. :)  And tomorrow my bestest friend in the whole wide world will be here and we will shop for the weekend.
If you have a chance to see What Happens in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz, go. It's awesome. It was so cute. And so was Made of Honor with Patrick Dempsey. But Vegas was better.
Ok, so I am done babbling incessantly now. I am going to check email and go to bed. 
I AM SO HOMESICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

life is good

Life is good. I really can't complain.. Well, I could, but what good would it do me? No, seriously. So, yesterday was Dakota's last team meeting of the year, and he managed to score a 90%, which put him back to cadet status. Talk about pulling it off in the end! He was in such a good mood, too. It was nice to see him excited. He ended up with all B's and one C. I couldn't be more proud. He comes home for good on the 6th of June. And then on top of that, he had his sleep study this past weekend and they may actually be able to help him. Next step is the C-Pac machine and removing the tonsils. AND, he joined the Lake Worth High School football team. Now, are things coming together for him, or what? :)
I have 7 days, counting today, left to go this year, and 5 of those days are final exams, and one of them I won't even be there because I will be at DAkota's graduation. So, I think I may survive this year, after all. Actually, it hasn't been bad. I am still loving high school. Every day I wonder why I taught middle school as long as I did. If I could get my 5th period straightened out, I would have it made in the shade! :) I am actually looking forward to next year.... but don't let me get ahead of myself.
So, Sierra's party of the century is just around the corner: the 7th. I don't know if I am looking forward to that, or not. :) I know she is. And then Charle's b-day is on the 5th. And then we have to leave to go to KY for 2 miserable weeks. :( But at least I will get to meet my neice and nephew. And see my family.
Basically, I think life is good, and right this minute, I don't know how it could be better. Unless, of course, someone could find a way to make all the bnegative people out there go "poof" or at least poof their negativity away. :)