Not only did we get to see a totally narley performance, but I also got to introduce my daughter to REAL rock-n-roll. Sierra's very first concert was great. She enjoyed it because she started watching Rock of Love the first season and has been listening to Poison since. Although, it was kind of strange watching her jump up and down and scream with her little girlfriend that was there, singing along to every song like I did at her age... My kid has taste. What can I say?

So, not only that... but....
My fantabulous husband is also taking me to one of the most prestigous resorts in the Keys: The Cheeca Lodge (
Flying to Jersey for the weekend coming up... Taking vacation... Seeing my fave bands... Going to the Keys... Yeah, I would say I got it made!

Oh, and one last thing. Just a warning to all those whoe drive: Dakota got his permit 2 weeks ago....

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