Life is good. I really can't complain.. Well, I could, but what good would it do me? No, seriously. So, yesterday was Dakota's last team meeting of the year, and he managed to score a 90%, which put him back to cadet status. Talk about pulling it off in the end! He was in such a good mood, too. It was nice to see him excited. He ended up with all B's and one C. I couldn't be more proud. He comes home for good on the 6th of June. And then on top of that, he had his sleep study this past weekend and they may actually be able to help him. Next step is the C-Pac machine and removing the tonsils. AND, he joined the Lake Worth High School football team. Now, are things coming together for him, or what? :)
I have 7 days, counting today, left to go this year, and 5 of those days are final exams, and one of them I won't even be there because I will be at DAkota's graduation. So, I think I may survive this year, after all. Actually, it hasn't been bad. I am still loving high school. Every day I wonder why I taught middle school as long as I did. If I could get my 5th period straightened out, I would have it made in the shade! :) I am actually looking forward to next year.... but don't let me get ahead of myself.
So, Sierra's party of the century is just around the corner: the 7th. I don't know if I am looking forward to that, or not. :) I know she is. And then Charle's b-day is on the 5th. And then we have to leave to go to KY for 2 miserable weeks. :( But at least I will get to meet my neice and nephew. And see my family.
Basically, I think life is good, and right this minute, I don't know how it could be better. Unless, of course, someone could find a way to make all the bnegative people out there go "poof" or at least poof their negativity away. :)