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Sunday, September 25, 2011

it's been a while...

It's been a while. I gave up on P90X--obviously. And gained it all back. Although I did start it again a few weeks ago. And I was dedicated until the day I woke up and couldn't move from the pain in my lower back. I took one too many days off to recuperate and gave up again. I guess I'll get back to it next week maybe. Although I'm thinking I'm just going to hunt down a doc to prescribe more phentermine for me.
Life is decent. Well on our way to opening the school next fall. Sierra is well on her way to graduation. Nevada's grades are much better. Dakota... well... yeah, anyway... And Canyon is still living with his dad in KY.
Saw Journey, Foreigner and Night Ranger the other night. Complete and total awesomeness, except Journey.
More explanation another night... I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. Sweet dreams...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

screwy days, poisoned pizza, manual labor, long drives, sunny days

So, after screwing up last week with thinking legs was arms and putting myself ahead 3 days further than I actually was, I have sort of fixed it. Well, today is really truly day 1 of week 7. For real this time. So in one week and 4 days (w8d4) I will be taking pics. However, I may not. I cheated last night. Badly. I ate pizza. And not just a slice. I think pizza must be my crack, because I intended to have ONE bite, and just couldn't stop. I had FOUR pieces!!!!!! OMG! I am such a fat-arse! So, this morning, I did core with my BFF and just couldn't bring it. I'm thinking I am realizing what people mean when they say bad foods poison your body. I always have such a hard time getting myself back in gear after I cheat. I feel tired, lethargic and it's harder to get going. That in and of itself should be enough to keep me from cheating, right? Not. No one ever accused me of being logical. Well, maybe it will be ok. I had Special K for breakfast, and I am about to have a protein shake for lunch, and then I have to go to my manual labor job tonight (someone called in) so I'll be on my feet for 8 hours, so, maybe that will be enough to help cleanse the poisoned pizza out of my system. Tomorrow when I do Cardio, maybe I can "bring it" a little better. I wish I didn't have to go so far for work. I don't have to be there until 3, but that means I have to leave home by 2, so I have to be in the shower by 1. It''s 1215 now and I just finished working out. By the time I finish my blog update and make my shake, it will be time to get in the shower. If I worked closer, I might have time for a quick walk. It's so pretty outside. I almost feel guilty for being inside on days like today. Today would be a great day for pulling weeds. :) Oh well... Ok, I'm off to the kitchen to make my shake. Have a great Saturday, Readers.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

another 1/2 lb, kenpo, size 8

Up and at 'em early today. Kenpo is done for the day. It was kind of hard today. I don't know if I just "brought it" harder than usual or what. At multiple points I had to stop because I thought my heart was going to pound its way out of my chest. At one point I was even a little dizzy. I don't think that's happened before, except week one.
Tomorrow is day 7 of week 6, which means I am one day from week 7. More than half way there! Almost time for pics again!!
A wonderful surprise was waiting for me at the scales this morning! Another half pound down. Down to 141.5 now. :) That means i am 21.5 pounds from GOAL! I know that still sounds like a lot, but when you consider I was once--at my heaviest--43 pounds from goal, it doesn't seem like so much. And the fact that I can now fit into a SIZE 8 is flipping AWESOME!!!!!! I tried on every single pair of pants, capris, shorts, and dresses in my closet last night. I own NOTHING too small now. I own quite a bit of things that are too big, but nothing in my closet is too small anymore. The dress I bought for my non-wedding back in '07, when I was working DAILY with a trainer, is HUGE on me. Like, it fell off my shoulders. That little bitty pink flowered spaghetti strapped dress my mom gave me a million years ago not only fit, but was a little too loose on me. Even in the boobs!! Not only did I fit into a size 8 pair of jeans, I raided Sierra's closet and fit into a size 9 JUNIORS!!!!! And a size 11 JUNIORS was too BIG!!! Oh yeah, P90X ROCKS!!! I wish I saw it more on the scales, but I guess as long as my body is changing shapes and I'm fitting into smaller clothes, I probably shouldn't complain.
So, I just got out of the shower and am getting ready to get dressed for the day. I think I'm going to wear the Junior size 9 jeans today. Once I'm all dolled up, I'll have a pic taken and post it.
So, if you are reading this and there is no pic attached, make sure you check back later. :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

stinky moms, kayaks, squitos, and abs

So, today should have been arm/triceps/chest, I think, followed by abs. Since I have been yearning to go kayaking, and kayaking uses my arms, chest, back, etc., I decided to replace my p90x with kayaking. My arms, shoulders and neck are killing me. But it sure was pretty out there. Until it started getting dark, and then the mosquitos started attacking the exposed parts of my legs. Not so much fun. So, now I'm going to do abs and then shower. Sierra says I stink. Well, not exactly. She actually said, "Mom, I don't know how to say this, but.... Well, I'm not trying to be mean, but... Well, Mom, you...ummmm." To which I finally responded "Stink?" She said, "Yeah, badly." So, shower after abs.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

plyo, wk 6, half way, fat, eating, kayaking

Cardio X two times in one day, along with about 10 minutes of Zumba and a 10 minute Ab Blaster. Why, you ask, am I punishing myself so severely? Because I feel like all I have done today is eat. I feel extra fat today. Still at 142, but feel like I have done nothing but eat. So, I figured I deserved some self-flagellation. Now, I think I'm going to get in the shower and then crash. Tomorrow is Monday, so hopefully I will be able to get back to work on the app, get in touch with the vendors and publication reps I need to talk to, and can get back in the flow.
I really want to try kayaking. I think it will be good exercise and maybe even fun. I need someone to go kayaking with, though.
I was flipping through the tv today, which is something I NEVER do, as I despise tv, but I landed on channel CNBC. P90X infomercials were on back to back. I realized that I had a dvd called Plyometrics, which I have never seen. So I went to investigate. The reason I hadn't seen it yet was because I am doing the Lean schedule and Plyo is part of the Classic schedule. I guess I do have a little change to look forward to if I make it through this 90 days and decide to do a second round. Those infomercials were good. The people on them went through such drastic changes. I can only hope that my changes are a quarter of those I see on tv. So, I guess tomorrow is Week 6 Day 3, which is 45 days, which is HALF WAY through the program!!!!! Hell, yeah! I just wish I felt it more. So, anyway, I guess tomorrow, I will Bring It again, and maybe eat a little less, and feel a little better about myself. Today, I feel like a fatty.
So, this fatty is off to the showers. 'Night, all!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

nature walk, another pound, core

So, I went on a walk today at Hawk's Bluff. It took hours to find it because the address Savannas State Park lists on the website was not accurate. Once we finally found it, it was very pleasant. The weather was just perfect, and there was a slight breeze and lots of sun. The trail was partially uphill, partially downhill, and somewhat neutral. The birds were beautiful. Here are a few pics from the day.
So, in addition to my mile and a half walk, I came home and did Core with the BFF a million miles away. I really think Core maybe be moving to the top of my favorites list. Oh, and I almost forgot: I lost another pound! I am down to 142!!!